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    Update #188

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    Connor    78

    Update #188

    Newb Helper


    Introducing the Newb Helper which all new players will obtain when creating an account.

    This helper will guide players through a step by step tutorial all the way to mid/high gameplay. Hopefully this will help those new players who get confused and not sure what to do next!

    I've added this as a very simple obtain this, or complete this kind of tutorial to keep it simple for new players who often find themselves a bit overwhelmed.

    Benefits of doing this? Not only does it guide you through the game, but also you gain items, boxes & bags throughout the tutorial!





    • Enchanted Snowballs are now a generic Enchanted Material.
    • You can no longer unlock the K.I.N.G title multiple times.
    • The message stating your item crumbled on Salvaging has been disabled to see if it stocks the DC'ing.
    • Demon Hounds have been added to the Medium boss teleports.
    • Seasonal AFK Booster has been added to the Afk Rock store.
    • Completed a custom set order.
    • Reduced the price of GoBigorGoHome boxes on ::store.
    • Brute and other Rune types now save the cooldown timer on logout.
    • Brute and other Rune types cooldown timer message has been fixed.
    • Corrected a typo with the Skipper Relic.
    • Baby Overgrown Beaver no longer has an attack option.
    • Lucky Pickaxe can now be used inside Raid 6 with it being the most damaging pickaxe.
    • Changed new player coins to tax bags.
    • Unlimited Prayer Badge has been reduced to 1,000 Bagged Illegal Weed.
    • Added multi account prevention to afk rock. You can no longer use 2 accounts at the same time.
    • Giant Ent's maximum hit has been reduced.
    • ::SB radius has been increased to prevent pet spawning.


    Your client should be on Update #188

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