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    Comp Cape Guide

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    Gutta    1

    If your skills are not 99 go to boss teleports, easy teleports, lexicus runewright, from him you can farm lamps to lamp your skills much faster than training them.


    Make sure as doing all achievements you work on torstols they are the hardest and take the longest to start them click on the farming skill and buy what you need from the npc.

    most of the achievements can be at ::dz , like fishing rocktails, summoning, mining, smithing, woodcutting

    Overloads: First go to ::shops then open consumables shop and buy 100 of each super pots 4, and sip one out of each to make them 3's, then you'll need herbs you can get these 2 ways first is open regular caskets which are dropped by npcs which could take forever. Second is to go to spellbook and click on the D go to Strykewrym Cavern, these drop Dwarf Weed and Avantoe both noted. For Lantamyne go to spell book again press D but this time on the left click Bosses then Tormented Demons. these drop noted Lantamyne. Takes awhile but they drop alot of caskets aswel so i would start with Tormented Demonds before Stykewryms.Once you have all the herbs and pot 3's you buy the rest of what you need at ::dz


    Extreme Attack: Super attack (3) Clean avantoe

    Extreme strength: Super strength (3), Clean dwarf weed

    Extreme defence: Super defence (3), Clean lantadyme

    Extreme magic: Super magic potion (3), Ground mud runes

    Extreme ranging: Super ranging potion (3), Grenwall spikes

    Then once you have the extremes just withdraw 5 of each, and use one extreme on another and it will make the overload. you dont need the torstols.


    Charms: to get charms the fastest for summoning just do clues and get charm boxes each one has 15 of each charm. lexicus runewright also drop them. once you have all the charms just go to ::dz you can buy the platebodys you need from the summon shop

    For black dhide go to magic spells click on the D, go to taverly dungeons use the short cut beside you and run to black dragons you need 60 dhides in total for all bodies.

    For frost dragon bones kill frost dragons they can drop up to 250. and take them home and use on altar you can afk bury them all.

    kingly imps can be caught at ::dz if u have higher donator you can also go to ::dz3 and ::vipzone

    The achievement to catch and a eat a salmon can be done by getting a fly fishing rod and feathers from the fisherman at ::dz and clicking on skills tab and click the fishing skill and right click the fishing spots till u find lure fish.

    For The 5k Arrow heads you can go to ::dz buy the feathers from the master fisher then go to ::event and south behind it theres lots of little trees bunched up to cut


    Complete a hard slayer task under the medium achievement some cant figure out just go home open the slayer hub and click medium task.

    Do the 5000 cannon balls at ::event, you can buy the cannon and cannon balls from Explorer Jack at ::shops

    You will also need the mith grapple for god wars kills so get that at the same

    Edited by Gutta

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    01001010    1

    Awesome guide! Thanks a lot 🙌

    To speed up fletching go to Glacors Cave
    (Magic tab -> D tele -> Bosses 2 -> right top corner 'Glacors Cave')

    Glacors have a chance to drop 4500 headless arrows.

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