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  • Connor

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    Everything posted by Connor

    1. Connor

      Update #118

      Update #118 Teleport Interface: The interface has been given a fresh look. Changes; It is no longer just a boss teleport, but instead a hub and will allow you to navigate to all types of monster teleports. Bosses that are rarely killed have been moved to a Misc section to avoid new players getting confused about what to kill. The entire interface has had a an uplift to make it more appealing to view. Please give feedback via Discord Slayer Changes: The entire Slayer Reward Store item prices have been reduced to be more reasonable. More slayer assignments have been added to the Boss Task. Larger changes are due to come in a future update. Hotfixes already applied: ::discord starter task has been fixed. Sell an item to the Tax Bag store starter task has been fixed. An additional check has been added for the Research Table starter task to prevent it not working. 4ever alone title perks have been fixed. Pokemon Zoo Information no longer displays Item Smuggler information. Box of Chocolates cooldown is now 60 minutes, the length of its benefit will remain as 15 minutes. Bucket of Water will no longer cause players to DC when examining it. The "Fight Another Player" achievement has been fixed. Love Bonds now reward between $0-25, rather than $0-10. Mutated Dungeon Raid now gives 2M raid points, rather than 1M. Cupid's Quiver has been slightly buffed. The amount on NPC's in the PZ pens has been buffed. Loot Box interface close button now works correctly. Fixed a bug meaning some Heroic players could not pick up dropped items. Lovers Tiff Aura has been given a value. Firework Potion's cooldown is now 30 minutes. Energy Drink now lasts for the full 10 minutes. ::afk is no longer case sensitive. Giant Bunny title now preview's correctly. General Khazard has a 15 second shield reducing all damage once it spawns. Bork has a 15 second shield reducing all damage once it spawns. Owner Cape block on GOKU & Bork has been removed. Please reload your client.
    2. Connor

      Update #117

      Update #117 Valentines Donator Box: For limited time only, fall in love with this new box, at least this one won't cheat on you! Possible Loot: Offhand Rainbow Giving Flowers - (Tribrid stats, Provides random loot whilst in PvM & when redeeming bonds you will gain 10% extra value), 4ever alone title - (Whilst active cupid will insta kill your target when their HP is below 10% - stacks to 20% with reaper pet), Magical Roses - (Very strong AOE magic weapon - 8% drop rate bonus), Deaths Kiss perk - (You have a 50% chance to be revived upon death), Cupid's Quiver - (Unlimited & Strongest ammo ingame. Also provides + 15/150 HP), Double Lover perk - (Double Drop scrolls last 50% longer) Box of Chocolates (10% additional drop rate for 30 minutes - reusable), Maxed Melee Perk - (Increases your melee max hit by 10%), Maxed Ranged Perk - (Increases your ranged max hit by 10%), Maxed Magic Perk - (Increases your magic max hit by 10%), Cupid's Bow (3% d/r & very fast damaging bow. Also has a special attack that boosts Ranged to 150), 5 x Store Mystery Box, 500 x Limited Key Tokens, 1,000 x Limited Key Tokens, A Man in Love (event boss): He's back! He's still pretty depressed and killing anyone in his path Possible Rare Loot: Winter Fishing Rod (Generates random loot whilst in PvM. Very strong ranged stats), Cupid's Damaged Wings (1 hour of unlimited prayer, 12 hour cooldown), Lover's Tiff Aura (5% extra magic damage when in melee distance), Little Love Aura (+25/250 HP), Spread the Love Scroll (+20% experience when in your inventory), Valentines Rose (Combine 2,000 for a Love Bond). Starter Tasks: A new simple, straightforward system has been added with 19 tasks. This will take players to the most important early game parts and encourage them onto a progression path beyond that. Each task rewards 1 token and can be spent in the shop below. Money Boi can no longer be damaged with melee. Custom weapons will now display in chat if they require Hand Cannon Shots, rather than arrows. Mythical Guide has been renamed to Mythical Starter Tasks. ::home has returned to it's pre last update locations. The old starter task system has been removed. New players no longer roll Daily Challenges twice on creation. New players no longer try to join the help clan chat twice. A flashing hint arrow will now display over the starter task NPC for new players. Dark Wizards have been added to the Platinum Zone. Platinum Zone now has a second level. Mobs are in cages on this level, you can access this via the barrier at the mob building. Players with the Smuggler Perk will no longer get less than 2 boxes per day. Cupid's bow has been given a special attack that boosts your Ranged level to 150. Added an interface to seasonal loot boxes. Money Boi is no longer aggressive. Clue Scrolls are now 25% more likely to drop. Drop KC announcements will now filter down the amount to K & M. You can now use ::pos at the Platinum Zone. The client should no longer direct players to the website when closing out. Monies Amulet (i) stats have been increased to 12K. Fixed a bug causing some Platinum players to constantly revert back to Sponsor. Fixed some issues with opening caskets in the Platinum Zone. Collection log now displays the correct KC for Reborn King. Ancient Spider can no longer 1 shot players. Opening Raids chests will now reward players with Dungeoneering experience. Alt accounts can now contribute to the Item Smuggler, but will gain no crate rewards. Please reload your client.
    3. Connor

      Update #116

      Update #116 Platinum Rank It's been a long time coming, but it's here! The $10,000 rank! This of course can be obtained also by using F2P bonds in-game. Benefits: All previous rank benefits plus.. Unique looking crown. 5 x Experience boost. Access to the Platinum Zone (::pz). Ore Rocks & Trees do not deplete inside the Platinum Zone. Ancient Herb farming in the Platinum Zone is 2x faster. New AFK Tree with faster gathering. 8% additional drop rate bonus & 2.5 x XP inside the zone. Ability to auto open caskets inside the zone (capped at 500 per day) - This does not work with event boss chests. Access to the new Money Boi boss's platinum drop table (explained below). Money Boi (boss): This boss is based in a locked off area of the Platinum Zone, however ALL players can fight him. Stats: Hitpoints: 70,000,000 Weakness: Ranged (mage still works) Max Hit: 2,500 (Can be reduced to 1,250) Rare Rewards (Platinum Rank Only): Increased drop rate cap perk (increases the effectiveness to 120%, currently 100% for others), Cent Boi pet (Obtains Tax Bags whilst in PVM). Rare Rewards (All Players): Monies Amulet (shard 1), Collectors Plus (perk) - Once unlocked, providing you have the Collectors Perk, this will auto pick-up Scratch Cards. Expensive Hand Cannon Shot - Although not a rare drop, this is the new BIS ranged ammo and it is SIGNIFICANTLY better. Snow piles: As this event comes closer to it's end. The price of Cold Bonds have been reduced to 1,000 Snowballs! The chances of obtaining High Tier Smuggler Crates has doubled. Above head icons have been removed from Sponsors. Sponsors rank icon has been updated. 20% extra drop rate bonus celebration has ended. Monies Amulet can now be created at the research table by combining all shards + a Royal Sigil. Monies Amulet (i) can now be created at the research table by combining all shards + a Mythical Chain. Monies Amulet (shard 2) has been added as a drop to Raging Ranger, Monies Amulet (shard 3) has been added to the Vote Store. Monies amulets are best in slot and also automatically activate special attacks. AOE & various perks no longer work in PVP. AOE will not attack other monster types in the Platinum Zone. WeirdASF Boss will now announce both in game & on Discord shortly before it spawns. Seasonal Donation Key items now sell to the Tax Bag store for 1.7M. Drop Rate Bonus will no longer display higher than your cap. The attack speed cap has been increased by 1 tick allowing you to benefit more from boosts. Completionist interface no longer shows achievements as green when they aren't all completed. P2W Ring (quarantine) now gives 14% drop rate bonus. Corrected the name of the 10% drop rate scroll. Corrected the name of the Ring of Wealth (i). Mini-Guy now drops 5 Dragon Bones at a 1 in 2 chance, instead of 1 in 15. Fat Boy & Slim Boy weapons can no longer fail to be upgraded. ::home will now teleport players to the centre of the map near the Mythical Egg. A Skilling Tasks counter has been added to the quest tab. Superior Reborn now has 1% more drop rate bonus than Elite Reborn per item. 3 additional Skeletal Horror spawns have been added. Sorab armour has been added to the Item Smuggler. Riot armour has been added to the Item Smuggler. Molten armour has been added to the Item Smuggler. Scroll of Praise now correctly displays it's drop boost. Omicron title not saving has been fixed. Anyone with the title must PM Connor on Discord to have to reconfirmed on your account. Please reload your client.
    4. Connor

      Update #115

      Update #115 New Years Loot Crate: The newest limited edition store box is here! Check it out on the store now! Possible Loot; Fireworks - Very strong ranged weapon with a special attack that grants +1 AOE radius for 10 minutes. Fierce Tiger Aura - Chance to deliver a powerful attack combo damaging your target for up to 400% of your hit. Omicron Title - Whilst in use your character will deal extra damage during combat. Firework Potion - 10 minutes of mega OP stats. 1 hour cooldown. Ice Amulet - Extra damage, considered BIS amulet. Wings of Experience - +90% XP whilst worn. Mythical Cannon Ball - Increases damage by 400% (stacks with other perk). Also significantly boosts the accuracy. Infected Hands - Whilst worn your character will sacrifice 50% of it's HP and damage your target with it, providing it is above 500. 5 X Store Mystery Box, 500 x Limited Edition Key Tokens, 1,000 x Limited Edition Key Tokens. All players have been granted 20% extra drop rate until the update! Home Area is no longer covered in snow. The snow piles will melt away soon, so make use of them! POS History is now logged on a discord channel to help players see what items sell for. Xmas Loot Boxes have been removed. Seasonal Donation Key loot has been updated. You can now teleport to Psycho Boss with a pet. Supreme Maniacal Aura now works correctly. EMB rare drops are now 20% more likely to drop. Naughty Aura now activates after 75 hits. Reinforced armour drop rate has been lowered to 5% per item. Dwarf Cannons can now be used in Instances. Completionist boss instance totem can no longer be used without requirements. Armadyl Totem is no longer tradeable due to scam attempts. If you had this in your POS, it has been removed. Login pin will dialogue will no longer be removed by the Daily Rewards interface. Naughty Aura now works correctly in the Aura Pouch. Some Item Suggested Values have been updated in line with the latest player Price Guide. Please reload your client.
    5. Connor

      Update #114

      Update #114 Psycho Mystery Box Event: He's back! The crazy Psycho Box has invaded the home area and it's up to you to get rid of him! The 4K Psycho Kills guaranteed drop will return for those who have not completed it, this will NOT include the new uniques to keep it fair to older players. The rarity of drops have been made slightly more common this time. Rewards; Aura of the Gods (Damages your target for 50% of your prayer points - Unlimited scrolls/badges prevent the drain), Psycho Box Pet Tokens (unlocks BIS pet), Reinforced Armour Set, Psycho (Title), Bonds. Mistoletoe aura now grants +25% damage per person near you, up to 4 people at 100%. Vader instance now contains 2 x Vaders. An issue causing instances to stack NPC's has been fixed. 50% drop rate increasing boots have had their name & rate altered. Ringmaster boots name has been corrected. Alt accounts can no longer use Instance Totems. You can no longer obtain Instance Totems, whilst in the Instance. Mini-Me pet donations now count towards your total spent. Item Recolour donations now count towards your total spent. Reborn King instance now contains the minions. Crex Instance now has 3 Crex's inside. You can no longer setup Dwarf Cannons in the home event area. Mutant Reputation now drops more per hour. Psycho Boss no longer deactivates players prayers. Snowman Event has ended. Please reload your client.
    6. Connor

      Update #113

      Update #113 Instance Totems You can now obtain Instance Totems from some bosses as very rare drops. These will allow you to instance that boss. Bosses; ItsYaBoi - 1/10k drop Mythical Beast - 1/10k drop Crex - 1/10k drop Reborn King - 1/10k drop (Minions are removed in the instance) Darth Vader - 1/20k drop All these totems have been added to the respective collection logs. Drop Rate Rework: Ever since the start of the server we have seen players achieve 1000's of drop rate %, which ultimately has had little benefit at that level. It's also been very unclear to players how the drop rate works, so it's been completely rewritten to make it simple. This has been done after continuous requests from players. 100% drop rate bonus will now make the drops 50% more common. Going above 100% has no benefit. This of course means all items, perks etc will need to be rebalanced. So allow me to say, your items/perks etc have NOT been nerfed, although the % has dropped with the new formula it's actually better! If you see any dialogue/interfaces saying the wrong %'s, please let me know. I also can agree there is likely to be some items that need rates buffed slightly, so of course let me know! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to Discord me. Crazy Snowman: As Xmas approaches, the snowman weakens due to the attacks of players. His minions have retreated and will no longer protect him, finish him whilst he is weak! A bug causing some players to not roll their daily Item Smuggler crate has been fixed. Mini-Me pets completed. Weed Icon has been removed from the Drugs Lab collection log. Fixed a bug causing some instances to cross paths with another players. Santa's Sharing Present cooldown no longer resets on login. Fixed a bug causing the Champions Chest being classed as a Token. Clue Scrolls showing you need 32/62 inventory slots has been fixed. 100% Droprate Scroll now works in the Pocket Pouch. 200% Droprate Scroll now works in the Pocket Pouch. Apple Sauce now works in the Pocket Pouch. Decanter has been added to ::shops. Hellfire Dragon loot will now reward up to 4 players. Portable Item Recycle "inspect" option has been removed. Mutated Wand's maximum damage cap has been increased by 25%. Escaped Mutated Beast hit points have been increased. Reborn Coffin now gives un-noted Frost Dragon Bones. The amount of reputation consumed per Smuggler Crate has been reduced. Please reload your client.
    7. Connor

      Update #112

      Update #112 Mini-Me Pets: You can now purchase Mini-Me pets from the store. These pets will wear armour that you choose and attack with a style that you choose. They can also have 2 perks which can be discussed. These will tend to reflect perks that already exist with other pets. Quality of Life Changes: You can now view weapon stats in-game via the in-game viewer. Some "junk" items that are never used have not been included. Xmas Wand Upgrader drop rate has been buffed from 1/2k to 1/400. Raid loot is now 25% more common on Fridays. Snowman Spawners now have unlimited usage. When opening Clue Scroll Caskets, the correct amount of slots required will now be displayed. Mutant Boots have been buffed to reflect the best in slot position. Mrs Perfume examine has been corrected. Item Smuggler information interface has been updated. Item Smuggler will now take as many items as you can contribute in 1 click. You can now only contribute up to 5 items per day to the Item Smuggler. The value for contributing items to the Item Smuggler has been increased to 25x. Providing you have above 25,000 Reputation, you will now always get a crate from the Item Smuggler. Pool Cue has been removed from the Item Smuggler. Connor's Bling has been added to the Item Smuggler. Fat Boy (T1) has been added to the Item Smuggler. Slim Boy (T1) has been added to the Item Smuggler. Succubus Helmet, Body & Legs have been added to the Item Smuggler. Monster Gloves & Boots have been added to the Item Smuggler. Seasonal Donation Machine now contains the Spooky Boxes content. P2W Ring (Quarantine) has had it's stats increased. Baby Dracula first option is longer pick-up. Mini Reaper first option is longer pick-up. Summer Nacklace has been given a sell for tax bags value. Spring Necklace has been given a sell for tax bags value. Leprechaun Hat has been given a sell for tax bags value. Skilling Tasks now reward tax bags. Shaman Defender stats have been nerfed given it's a low/mid tier boss. Ultimate Ironman accounts can now access their banks, but only to withdraw items the game has deposited in them, i.e daily rewards. Mythical Ore now only requires 90 Mining to use. Hellfire Trees now only require 90 Woodcutting to use. Stoner Box price has been reduced to 10,000 weed bags. Connor's Bling has been given Recycled Coins value. Rare Gold is no longer given as a daily login reward. Mutated Invasion collection log now works correctly. Senior Mutated Trio drops will now be announced. The Pink Dildo can now be used with Cosmetic Overrides. Lime Rex from General Khazard will now update the collection log correctly. Upgraded Champion Gear no longer requires completionist to be worn. EMB teleport from the interface has been updated to the correct location. EMB can now be spawned via the EMB Spawner in a single click, rather than typing. Crevice Pass is now a 1/40 drop, rather than 1/150. A close interface button has been added to the Perk Interface. A bank booth has been added to the EMB area. ::smuggler has been added for a quick teleport to the Item Smuggler. $5 & $10 bonds can now be combined to make $50 bonds. This comes with a 5,000 Tax Bag fee. CTRL + H can now be used for home teleporting. There were a lot of suggestions, so if yours wasn't added, it's possibly been noted for a future update. Please reload your client.
    8. Connor

      Update #111

      Update #111 Item Smuggler: A new member has setup within our home area, the Item Smuggler! Each day he will ask you for a different item to contribute to his business, you can contribute 25 of these. You will gain reputation to the value (recycled value x 10). Keeping this topped up above 25,000 will allow you to gain daily smuggler crates. These can come in Low, Medium & High tier. The more you contribute, the more rewards & higher tier you will obtain. Maxing out your daily contributions increases the chance of obtaining crates. Requirements; Must not be alt blocked. Must have at least 48 hours playtime. Obtained at least 1,000 Recycled Coins. Obtained at least 100,000 Recycled Coins (To gain High tier crates). Rare Rewards; Offhands can only be obtained from High tier crates at a rate of 1 in 20. Perk's can be obtained from Medium & High tier crates at a rate of 1 in 20 (high) and 1 in 50 (medium) Smuggler's Offhand Staff - Also provides +10/100 HP Smuggler's Offhand Bow - Also provides +10/100 HP Smuggler's Offhand Blade - Also provides +10/100 HP Smuggler's Perk - +1 smugglers crate daily. 75% Droprate Booster Perk. Store Mystery Box. You can unlock the Smuggler title once you've obtained an overall total of 1M reputation. Snow Piles: A new Xmas Jumper has been added to the Snowball Exchange. A new pair of Xmas Socks have been added to the Snowball Exchange. Naughty Aura now does double damage for the next 15 hits, every 100 hits. Santa's Sharing Present cooldown has been reduced to 2 hours. Added an exit button to the Pokemon zoo interface. A bunch of items now have Recycle/Tax bag values. A new completionist cape requirement has been added. Festive Aura now works all year round. Spooky Sickle has been given a Sell For Tax Bags store value. Valentines Hat has been given a Sell For Tax Bags store value. Leprechauns Beer has been given a Sell For Tax Bags store value. Blood Warriors task name should now appear correctly. Frosty Staff is now a one-handed weapon. Item Smuggler collection log has been added. Drugs Lab collection log has been added. Black Friday sales have ended. Please reload your client.
    9. Connor

      Update #110

      Update #110 Xmas Limited Edition Loot Box: Grab the newest store box now! Limited time only! Loot: Mistletoe Aura - Whilst worn, You will gain 10% extra damage per player near you (capped at 100%). Magic is 5% extra and 50% cap. Grinch Sled - Whilst worn, Aggression totem will last 30 minutes longer when activated. Connor's Fantasy Santa Hat - Increases chest rare loot chance by 5% (stacks with other boosts). Santa's Sharing Present - On activation, players in the local area will be given Double XP & 10% more DPS for 1 hour) Nice List Perk - Captain Rovin gives you 25% more XP. Scrooge Perk - 3% chance when selling items that the item will not be consumed, but you will still be paid. Upgrader Totem - Whilst in your inventory, item upgrader items will be 50% more likely to succeed. Mrs Claus Perfume - +125 stats for a continuous hour. Naughty Aura - Every 1,000 hits you will deal double hits for the next 10. Bad Santa Cloak (150% drop rate bonus), Aura Pouch (Allows you to hold 2 active auras at once), Supreme Healer Aura (+100/1000 HP), 5 x Store Mystery Boxes, 500 x Limited Key Tokens, 1000 x Limited Key Tokens. Crazy Snowman: The best time of year right? Maybe not for our savings! The Crazy Snowman returns again this year. Combat has remained the same, but the drops are buffed! Drop Table: RS3 Black Santa Hat (1/2000), Xmas Pudding Wand Upgrader (1/2000), Snowman Head (100% d/r), Frosty Staff, Xmas Pudding Wand, Ice Sword, Festive Aura (200% d/r during Xmas period), Icy Santa Hat (+15/150 HP), Santa outfit, Santa Hat, Of course there is also common loot. In order to spawn the Crazy Snowman, you must use spawners from the Snowball Exchange Store. Snow Piles: You will find piles of snow scattered around home. Start clearing these to obtain snowballs which can be exchanged for the loot shown below; You can no longer deposit items into your bank beyond the 350 limit. Shift Bank will no longer deposit beyond the capacity limit causing items to be deleted. Shift Bank will now send items to their correct tabs if you have the item already. You can no longer use Shift Bank in blocked zones. Various methods that auto bank items will now deposit to the correct tabs if you have the item already. Dragon Slayer Destroyer no longer hits 2x per attack. Dracula Pet effects has been reactivated. Mutated invasion mobs are no longer aggressive. Superior Reborn drop rate bonus has been fixed. Superior Reborn upgrade is now only a 25% chance. Failure results in only the Orb being lost. Looting Bag can no longer be used inside Raids 1, 2 & 3. Useless commands have been removed from ::commands. Hellfire Battlestaff will now update the collection log when dropped. Dark Purplefire Wyrm drops now update the collection log correctly. Heroic accounts no longer display the Ironman badge in main chat. Corrected the DR message for Ringmaster boots in Store Mystery Boxes. Kalphite Queen respawn time has been increased. Acid Justiciar model's are no longer invisible. Chest loot buffs now work with the Reborn Coffin. Copy & Paste client function has been disabled for players. The maximum amount of accounts per IP has been changed to 3 per session. Festive Aura has been activated for the Xmas period. The home area has been decorated for Xmas. Please reload your client.
    10. Connor

      Update #109

      Update #109 Mutant Invasion: The Mutated are really starting to take hold of this world and it's up to you to stop it! 3 Senior mutant warriors have taken over fenkenstrain's castle and setup camp. It won't be so simple to enter to defeat them though. Requirements (main boss); 1,000 Reborn Kills, 1,000 Succubus Kills, Anti-Mutation (consumed per kill), Rewards; Berserker Transmutation Orb (Used to make Elite Reborn into a Melee power set), Projectile Transmutation Orb (Used to make Elite Reborn into a Range power set), Supernatural Transmutation Orb (Used to make Elite Reborn into a Magic power set), Transmutation Boots (Best In Slot - 1/10k drop). New power sets; Whilst a full set is worn, all AOE damage will be increased by a further 5%. Before entering you will need Anti-Mutation, this can be obtained from the Reputation Store at the spawn point. Reputation is earned at a ratio of 0-3 per Mutated Guard kill. You need 1,000 Succubus kills to access the store. Shop; Anti-Mutation (15 reputation), Anti-Mutation Armour (Mid/High tier - +20% damage against all mutated mobs when the set is worn & +3/30 HP per item worn), the Mutated Codex (Unlocks the Mutated Perk which grants +5% damage against all mutated mobs), Agile Codex (Unlocks the Agile Perk which grants 2x Agility Tickets when earned). Seasonal Donation Machine: It's getting a bit cramped in that tiny machine! Items moved to main Donator Store; Black Dragon Set, Dragonbone Cape, Firework Potion, Pot of Love. Items moved to Store Mystery Boxes; Valentines Hat, Ruckus Flowers, Spring Necklace, Warm Necklace. Items moved to Crazy Fucking OP Key; Spooky Sickle, Leprechaun's Beer, Leprechaun's Hat. Items discontinued (for now); Enchanted Easter Carrot, Item Recolour Ticket. 300 Dwarf Cannon Capacity perk has been added to the Recycle Centre Store. 3% chance extra drop table roll perk has been added to the Recycle Centre Store. Baby Dracula pet effect has been changed to x2 Boss Points & 50% drop rate bonus. Headless Horseman has been removed. H'ween Scythe model has been enlarged. Anti-Vax shield now has 500 daily charges. Guardian Cloak T7 (t) now requires a regular Comp Cape (t), not an (op) one. Tax Bag Box is no longer in the Boss Point Store. EMB loot is now more likely to drop rare type loot. EMB spawn cost is now 6,000. Guardian Cloak T7 no longer asks for 5M tax bags when researched. H'ween Scythe special attack no longer stops you from attacking. Corrected a typo in the ::Crex message. General Khazard drops now add to the collection log correctly. Clue Scroll title rewards are now redeemable. A message has been added when viewing C Vader in the research table about it becoming untradeable. You can no longer store Looting Bags inside of each other. The looting bag can no longer store more than 28 items in total. Reaper pet no longer works at the completionist zone boss. A message will now be displayed on the Research Table interface when an item will become untradeable. A message will now be displayed on the Research Table interface when an item has a chance to fail. Infernal Beast drops will now update the Collections Log correctly. Some items RC values have been balanced. Vaccine Needle can now be used with overrides. Reborn Chain has now been added to it's collection log. Please reload your client.
    11. Connor

      Update #108

      Update #108 Escaped Mutated Beast: A beast has escaped the Mutated Dungeon Raid and now needs slaying! It has killed Shukarhazh and now remains in it's own lair. The boss can be spawned at ::emb by typing ::donateemb and contributing 4,000 Tax Bags. New Rewards/Changes; Store Mystery Box, Pocket Pouch Upgrade (+1 slot), Infinity Totem, Looting Bag (28 slots), Free Raid Entry Ticket, $10 Bond, Ancient staff has been removed from the drop table. 100% drop has changed from 100M coins to 1 Tax Bag. All Shukarhazh achievements, killcount, drops & collection logs have been transferred to the new boss. Spooky Box: Check out the newest seasonal box on store now! Possible Rewards; Vial of Blood (Chance to drain 10% of your targets HP) - Can be upgraded at the research table. Baby Dracula Pet - Leeches your targets HP & randomly applies that leech to your health. Mini Reaper Pet - Instantly executes your target when their HP is below 15%. H'ween Scythe - Special Attack: Increases melee stats to 150 (no usage cap). Unlimited Cosmetic Override Kit - Can be used unlimited times to override cosmetic items. Spooky Perk - Increases attacking pets damage by 20%. Spider Web Perk - Causes your targets defence to sometimes lower during PVM. 150% Drop Rate Aura. 4 x Store Mystery Boxes, 500 x Limited Key Tokens, Casino: The machines at the Casino have now opened. These machines are massively in favour of the server, so play at your own risk! 70 x 2 & 90 x 3 are able to be played. The bets are set at 500 chips, or 2000 chips (VIP+ only), this cannot be changed. Chips can be purchased from the vendor. The amount you can purchase per day is (20,000 x Daily Challenges Completed). Alts, etc will not be allowed access. You can also sell any chips you have to the vendor, however the house takes a 10% house fee. The machines do limit you to a maximum of 50 bets per day. Player VS Player gambling isn't here just yet, but it is coming, so maybe take advantage and stock up your daily chips. Teleport for The Casino has been added to Minigame teleports. Beast Mode world announcement will now only send once. Scarves can now be used with cosmetic overrides. Doom Blade can now be used with cosmetic overrides. Bork has been moved south of the room. Added a Heroic title. Seasonal Donation Key store price has been reduced. Players donating for custom armour sets will now have their donation value updated correctly. T7 Guardian cloaks now count as a Mythical cloak at the Mythical Beast. Guardian Cloak (T7) (t) recipe has been altered to make more sense. Items obtained whilst inside the Mutated Dungeon Raid will now be removed at the end. Raider sword is now the only melee weapon that can damage all 3 of the trio bosses in Mutated Dungeon Raid. Please reload your client.
    12. Connor

      Update #107

      Update #107 Clue Scroll Overhaul: It's been wanted for ages and it's here! As part of this update, all clue scrolls ingame have been reset. This means the clues you have, will have been removed. The new loot table is very different with new and exclusive items, so how they were so easy to obtain before would have damaging effects on this update. Changes; Clue Scrolls drop formula have been completely reconfigured and they're now much rarer. The Clue Scrolls completed variable for your account has been reset to 0. Clue Scrolls are no longer tradeable. Clue Scrolls are no longer always one step. All Clue Scroll step locations have been changed. Completionist Cape requirement has been reduced to 100 Clues. Third Age is now a separate loot table so it can be obtained, aswell as the unique loot. Collection Log has been added for Clue Scrolls. Loot interface has been removed (many complaints). New loot: Dwarf Cannon Upgrade (Doubles storage/damage - stacks with perks), Pocket Pouch Upgrade (+1 slot), Caskee (pet) - Increases the chances of finding Clue Scrolls by 25% Max Hit Gemstone (5%), Hitpoints Gemstone (+15/150), Speed Gemstone (Increases Attack Speed), Clued Up (Title), Clueless (Title), Infernal Virtus, Clue Solver Hat (Adds 1 additional item to your casket reward), Clue Solver Robe (Adds 1 additional item to your casket reward), Clue Solver Skirt (Adds 1 additional item to your casket reward). Heroic XP Mode: Are you up for the challenge? You can now play on Heroic XP which is 20x slower than other modes! A heroic only hiscores will be added soon. Headless Horseman now drops the entire outfit. Perks interface has had a complete overhaul. Bork's spawn location has been moved. Pokemon Gauntlet can no longer be used with the Ice Dragon Defender. Fixed a bug that prevented players with the Raider perk entering the Mutated Raid with Crevice Passes. You will no longer be teleported to the final boss if you haven't killed the Mutated Beast. Fixed a bug that made players immune to poison, still be poisoned inside Mutated Raids. Unlimited prayer in the Pocket Pouch now works correctly. Aggression Totems in the Pocket Pouch now work correctly. The item Skulled can now be used with Cosmetic Overrides. Daily login reward has been updated to 100 x Pumpkins. Double or Nothing aura now procs correctly whilst inside the aura pouch. The radius at which the Mutated Beast rewards players with a kill has been increased. Snakeskin boots no longer sell for Tax Bags. Psycho Mystery Box boss has been removed. Trivia question about Raids has been updated. Ice Dragon Defender stats have been slightly adjusted. Removed a mistaken XP reduction applied to Ironman accounts. Anti-Vax Shield now has a daily use limit of 50 chests. Aura Pouch "empty" option has been moved below the wield option. Added the command ::skilling. x2 Event Boss Damage perk now works against Headless Horseman. Double Drop Scrolls have been added to the Loyalty Store. Scroll of Praise has been added to the Loyalty Store. $10 Bond's have been added to the Loyalty Store. Clue Scrolls have been added to the Loyalty Store. Pocket Pouch Upgrade has been added to the Loyalty Store. Please reload your client.
    13. Connor

      Update #106

      Update #106 Headless Horseman: H'ween is approaching and the horseman is back! HP: 66M Weakness: None Max Hit: 500 Rewards; Horseman Boots, Horseman Gloves, Headless Horsebaby Pet (150% d/r), SplitSoul Perk, Jack Lantern Mask, Grim Reaper Hood, Pumpkin Bulwark, Spooky Bond ($1-10), Death Shard (Used to make the BIS gloves), Store Mystery Box, Mutated H'ween Mask (+10/100 HP), Green H'ween Mask, Blue H'ween Mask, Red H'ween Mask. Pumpkin Activity: A whole bunch of pumpkins have popped up in the home area, start picking them for rewards! Rewards; Blood Skeleton Outfit (200 per item), Coloured Scythes (750), Skulled (750), Spooky Bond ($1-10) (1,000), All or Nothing aura has been balanced and should now be a significantly useful aura. Brown casket loot will no longer be noted in your bank. Fixed the clipping in the Mutated Dungeon raid. Mobs will no longer glitch through walls. When clicking the raid portal, it will now include your Mutated Dungeon raid KC. A bug meaning a raid set wouldn't be removed upon teleport to the Mutated Dungeon raid has been fixed. You can now enter the Mutated Dungeon raid without tax bags, should you have the raider perk. Raid points in the Mutated Dungeon now reward all players the same, given its difficulty. Mutated Bloodvelds now drop the Glowing Teleport Orb. Providing you're within 5 tiles of your party, you will all teleport from a single Orb in the Mutated Dungeon raid. When any of your party die during the Trio fight in the Mutated Dungeon raid, the bosses will despawn and you have to start again. The amount of points you can gain in the Island minigame has been buffed. Fixed a typo in the text given when the Umbrella rewards a player. Please reload your client.
    14. Connor

      Update #105

      Update #105 Mutated Dungeon Raids: What is considered the hardest fight in-game, this raid is only for the most elite! Requirements & Information: 250 Total Raids KC, 200 Tax Bags (Per Entry), 1 Full Sorab, Riot, or Molten King set + 10 of each Raid key (One time fee). Up to 6 people can gain rewards together in this raid. You must enter with an empty inventory, however you can take what you can wear, so utilise it well! Room 1: Mutated Zygomite HP: 50K Zygomite's main drop is the Crevice Pass which grants you access through the first door. They also drop prayer potions. You can also use the fishing spot to the West in this room to fish for food. Stealing from the small crates will give you Overloads. Room 2 (Boss): Trio of Brothers HP: 25M x 3 Max Hit: 1,500 (Avoidable) Disturbing the portal will awaken the 3 brothers, each with their own style. They can only be damaged by their weakness in the combat triangle, so doing this solo is almost impossible! Room 3 (Boss): Mutated Beast HP: 30M Max Hit: 2,000 (Avoidable) Disturbing the hibernating beast will cause significant rage, good luck! Room 4 (Final Boss): Haul Protector HP: 35M Max Hit: 1,500 (Avoidable) This boss will do everything to protect the treasure in the chest! Once defeated, you will be able to loot the mutated haul. The following rewards can be obtained; 1,000 Tax Bags, 100 x Recycled Coins, 10 x Box of Lamps, 5 x Mini Beast Potion (BIS potion, but its single use), 5 x Tax Bag Boxes, 5 x $1 Scratch Card, 5 x Kingly Impling Jars, 1 x Super Tax Bag Box, 1 x Double Drop Scroll, 1 x $5 Bond, 1 x Infernal Wings, 1 x Icy Tuned Bow Mutated Protector Wand - (Highest damage spell + AOE) - (1/300), Mutated Protector Orb (Extra hit whilst worn equal to 10% of your damage) - (1/300), Amulet of Mutation (part 1) - (Created Amulet boosts AOE damage by 10% + 75% drop rate bonus) - (1/100), Amulet of Mutation (part 2) - (1/100), Amulet of Mutation (part 3) - (1/100), Merchant Perk (All items sell to the tax bag store for an extra 10%) - (1/100), Pocket Pouch (store items such as the unlimited prayer scroll for easier activation & space saving, upgrades to expand storage will come next update) - (1/100). Ultimate Ironman accounts can enter the raid with an inventory, but they will be unable to use most of the items. Mutated Dungeon Raid collection log has been added. Special Regain Potions now only restore 10%. You can no longer redeem the Gauntlet Splitter perk once you've unlocked it. Recycle item daily task now calculates correctly. 1-10 Slayer Point scroll will no longer give 11 points. Fixed a type glitch on the armour stat viewer. Referral box now gives Silver Torva Legs instead of Gloves. Removed the random Stack at BW in ::dz4. Guardian Cloak T7 now has the ava's effect. A bunch of Youtuber accounts have been removed from the hiscores. Please reload your client.
    15. Connor

      Update #104

      Update #104 Given it's difficulty and length, the new raid will be in the next update, we hope for this to be in just 1 week! So get prepared! Adventurers Crate: A limited edition box has hit the store, however this one has some changes! Firstly, it's cheaper! It also has 14 possible rewards, much more than previous boxes! Offhand Umbrella - (Randomly rain Tax Bags during PVM - Unlike Fishing Rods, this DOES work at stacks), Energy Drink - (2x Attack Speed for 20 minutes - 2 hour cooldown), 10% Max Hit Increase (Mage) perk - (Increases your maximum possible hit by 10%), 10% Max Hit Increase (Range) perk - (Increases your maximum possible hit by 10%), 10% Max Hit Increase (Melee) perk - (Increases your maximum possible hit by 10%), Gauntlet Splitter perk - (Makes Gauntlet types 1H), Flaming Phat - (15/150HP + 100% drop rate - Also has a cool particle effect), Rocket Launcher - (BIS AOE damage/radius), Aura Pouch - (Allows you to benefit from 2 Auras at once), Extension Aura - (Overkill & Overload potion timers last twice as long), Double or Nothing Aura - (Your drop will either double, or be deleted), Raiders Sword - (Double damage inside raids), 4 x Store Mystery Box, 500 x Limited Key Tokens. Armour/Weapon balancing So after a lot of player feedback, it is clear that armour stats needed balancing, as for example getting Ice Dragon armour which is easily available, completely skips most of the in-game content, so the changes are below; Ice Dragon stats have been nerfed Succubus has been buffed Champion has been buffed Champion (u) has been buffed Reborn has been buffed Vader has been buffed T6 Fatboy has been buffed. Blow your head off (u) & (virus) now both have a special attack that will instantly remove 25% of your targets HP, by far the strongest spec in-game. A whole bunch of items sale value to the tax bag shop has been increased. Fixed a bug meaning players still had to have 5M tax bags for the T7 Guardian Cape. Brown Caskets no longer drop as often. Royal Sigil's collector effect now works correctly. Opening the boss teleport will now cancel any existing skilling action. ::vaders fee will now check for ironman and perk reductions. Dice Hosts can now request bank checks to prevent players being cleaned. Tax Bag shops have been added to the ::home buildings to make selling items easier and faster. Smilies will no longer be a default active option on the client. 10x hits are now the default option on the client. Please reload your client.
    16. Connor

      Update #103

      Update #103 High Tier Amulets: 3 new amulets have been added to the game. These are the strongest stat amulets ingame, with the exception of the Mythical Chain, which has been buffed in this update. Champions Amulet: Obtained from: Guild Champion. Effects: 25% Droprate Bonus. Chance: 1/400. Reborn Chain: Obtained from: Reborn King. Effects: 10% Droprate Bonus. Chance: 1/1,000. Royal Sigil: Obtained from: Research Table. Effects: Automatic Loot Collection, 35% Droprate Bonus. There is now a 1/100 chance to obtain a Box of Recycled Coins whilst recycling items with a value > 200. Dragonfire Ward inventory model now appears correctly. Duck Gang can now be used with cosmetic overrides. Brown pvm casket loot will now be added to your bank, instead of your inventory. You can no longer nothing from brown pvm caskets. Mystery Box mobs are ::dz4 have been replaced with Medium Stacks. Clue Scroll rewards now show on the interface correctly. Solak now drops Seasonal Donation Key (part 1). Goku (event) now drops Seasonal Donation Key (part 2). Sea Troll Queen now drops Seasonal Donation Key (part 3). Mythical Chain stats have been buffed & droprate bonus increased to 50%. Quest Cape value has been reduced to 100,000 Loyalty Points. T7 Guardian Cloak upgrade cost has been reduced to 1M Tax Bags. Please reload your client.
    17. Connor

      Update #101

      Update #101 Autumn Box: Check out our latest limited edition box on store! Rewards; Duck Gang (boots) - (+75% D/R + stats) Overkill Stability - (Keeps the infinite overkill boosted for the entire duration) Double Raid Points Aura Poison Ivy Amulet - (10% extra AOE damage + stats) Item Recolour Ticket - (Can be used to recolour any item ingame for cosmetic appearance) Apple Sauce - (Keep in your inventory for a +100 hitpoints & +50% droprate boost) Skiller Madness Aura - (Doubles XP, Skilling Village Rewards & Daily Challenge Rewards) Autumn Scarf - (30% d/r + BIS stats) 5 x Store Mystery Box, 500 - 1,000 x Limited Key Tokens. Rare Gold: Seems like a casino thief has left some gold bars around the home area! Attempt to collect these bars and you will be able to exchange them for the rewards below; Bulging Tax Bag - 1 Bars Warm Bond ($1-5) - 800 Bars 300 Dwarf Cannon Capactity (perk) - 5,000 Bars Mythical Old Mans Head - 10,000 Bars 3% chance extra drop table roll (perk) - 10,000 Bars A bit of noob love: A new Bulging Tax Bag mob has been added to the starter zone. Starter Guide tasks have been changed and new ones added to guide new players further into the game. Starter Whip stats has been increased to +250. The Mythical Chain can now be created at the research table. Rare Sunflower's have been replaced with Rare Gold. Bork now has 25M hitpoints. Added 2.5k Tax Bags reward to the Raid Points Store. Added Quarantine chest items to the Seasonal Donation Machine. Additional penguin spawns have been added. The green colour in POS has been darkened for better viewing. All Hefty Tax Bag drops have been changed to Bulging Tax Bags. Psycho Title can now be sold to the Tax Bag store. Steal 5000 Scimitars achievement has been reduced to 2500. Please reload your client.
    18. Connor

      Update #100

      Update #100 100 Updates! WOW! To celebrate, we are giving away 100M/$100 on Discord. Check out #Giveaways to enter! QOL Update: It's been very much needed to iron out some bugs and highly requested changes, so here they are... (Please bare in mind, some of these updates took a lot of time, this isn't a smaller update by any stretch) Player Owned Shops will now display a Suggested Price for some items, this is +- 20% of their price guide value. This can be seen by customers who value the item and owners when they value the item in their own shop. Player perk & familiar damage now counts towards the players total damage. So this will now allow extra raid points etc. Armadyl Totem is no longer obtainable from PVP. The rogue Mental Case at ::spz has been removed. You can no longer access the pets interface in the Island minigame. Fixed Bal'lak's collection log not working. Due to issues the bank maximum capacity is now 352 per tab. Guaranteed Rare Loot Psycho Box now works correctly. A small spawn of Crex has been added to ::dz2. 2 extra Crex spawns have been added to the normal zone. Extra Blood Warriors have been added to ::vz. Cleaned up the starter task interface. Starter task #2 has been changed to ::setpin to increase account security. A bunch of achievements now reward Tax Bags, instead of Ecto-Tokens. Fixed a bug allowing some players to achieve unlimited aggression. Dragon Slayer Destroyer can now be used with overrides. Leprechauns pet announcement text now appears correctly Please reload your client.
    19. Connor

      Update #99

      Update #99 Perk Creation Lectern: You can now create your own perks ingame! Check out the lectern at ::chest for all the current unlockable perks. Collection Log Titles: Some new titles can now be obtained for completing certain collection logs; Raid Collector - Complete all 3 Raid collection logs, God of Loot - Completed the entire GWD collection log, Superman - Complete the Baby Heartwrencher collection log, Lucky - Complete the entire Drop Rate Island collection log, Fat - Complete the FatBoy collection log, General - Complete the General Khazard collection log, the Beast - Complete the Mythical Beast collection log, Jedi - Complete the Vader collection log. Weird - Complete the WEIRDASF boss collection log. Fixed Mythical Beasts collection log. Added Seasonal Key Part 3 to Shukarhazh collection log. Shukarhazh adding the wrong items to the log has been fixed. Fixed the Daily Rewards interface not darkening where it should. Pets interface now displays correctly. Fixed Candy Cane sale value. Crowns & Wands can now be used with cosmetic override kits. You can now use Quarantine ring (u) to upgrade your P2W ring. Fixed a bug causing some users HP to become stuck as 0. Fixed a bug causing some ::yell's to announce as a rare drop. Mini Guys now drop Tax Bags very often. ::train starter task rewards have been updated. Moved the 3rd Mental Case at ::Spz to the cage. Claiming the Max cape no longer requires the Maxed title. Mahogany Armchair now gives more construction experience. Reinforced armour has been added to the armour stat viewer. Added Internal Cape to cosmetic overrides. Added Teddy's to cosmetic overrides. Fixed a typo with the Frost Dragon Bone skilling task. Added an Ironman title. The formula which calculates the chances of triggering a fishing rod loot has been recalculated to be more balanced. Please reload your client.
    20. Connor

      Update #98

      Update #98 Collection Log: This has taken a long time due to the amount of work it takes to produce, but I hope you all enjoy it! There are 55 individual logs to be completed! In a few updates there will be titles for completing logs, so get grinding! A new interface will now show once per day when you unlock a new daily login reward. Referral interface will no longer force appear on login, users must access it themselves for the extra rewards. Fixed the scoreboards interface now showing all options. Runite ore from the Spring Fishing Rod is now noted. Fixed a Trivia question which had an incorrect answer. A bunch of interfaces that weren't going away after leaving the area/activty have been fixed. Candy Cane is no longer a reward from the Seasonal Donation Machine. Donated/Spent no longer extends out of the interface. Ring of Love now has a tax bag value. Dragonfire Ward now has a tax bag value. Perks interface now shows all the perks correctly. Fixed a bug causing female characters to glitch when overriding party hats. Corrected Reinforced armour examine text. The railing around Vaders at ::spz has been removed. Vader armour transform option is no longer to first click option. Please reload your client.
    21. Connor

      Update #97

      Update #97 Psycho Mystery Box: A new limited time boss has arrived in the home area! We have reintroduced the 4,000 KC for a guaranteed rare drop! Stats: 50M HP Weakness: Melee Max Hit: 40 Rewards; Psycho Box pet (highest damaging pet ingame), Reinforced Helmet (105% d/r), Reinfoced Body (105% d/r), Reinforced Legs (105% d/r). Psycho (title). Quarantine Chest: The latest Limited Edition donation box has arrived! Possible Loot: Virus Codex - (Once unlocked, it causes the Molten Cough perk damage to be doubled), Quarantine Ring - (+100HP & top tier stats - Can also be upgraded with BIS P2W & Toxic Ring (u)), Diseased Aura - (Whilst worn, Prayer Scroll & Aggression Totems will grant +10 minutes), Vaccine Needle (weapon) - (Grants +100 hitpoints, 100% droprate bonus & deals 2x hits), COVID-19 Head - (25% chance to deal 25-40% extra damage per hit), Anti-Vax Shield - (Whilst worn, rare loot from chests are 20% more common), Double Chest Loot Aura - (10% chance to double loot). 5 x Store Boxes, 500 x Limited Key Tokens, 1,000 x Limited Key Tokens. Limited Key Tokens have now replaced OP Keys & Bonds in limited edition boxes. They can be used to create Seasonal Donation Keys, or Crazy Fucking OP Keys. Added new referral names to the referral system. All Completionist cape (t) requirements now show correctly. Harvest 250 Ancient Herbs achievement now progresses correctly. Bank storage has been increased to 400 slots. Fishing rod loot is now noted. Voting now gives 500 Tax Bags per vote. You can now override Fishing Rods. You can no longer make more Summoning pouches than empty slots in your inventory. May'O Book now sells to the Tax Bag store. Vader Body, Legs, Helmet, Gloves, Boots & Cloak can now be transformed in Vader Element. Please reload your client.
    22. Connor

      Update #96

      Update #96 This update is smaller because of the ongoing work for the Casino. ::Gamble has been moved to the new Sand Casino. Please be aware that this is non-functional atm as it is yet to be completed. Added Most Skilling Tasks Completed to the ingame scoreboards. You can now purchase a task reset scroll from the Skilling Task store. You can now purchase an Extra Mythical Scraps scroll from the Skilling Task Store. Increased the tokens gained from various Skilling Tasks. Fixed a bug causing some users to get 0 Oak Logs as a skilling task. If your inventory if full when completing a skilling task, it will now bank your tokens. Fixed a typo with the new crafting skilling task. 4 potato seeds now display the correct stack ID. Fixed seasonal donation machine pathing issue. Fixed a safespot at Rogue Penguin. Charmeleon T5 upgrade requirements now display correctly. Fixed Evil Baby poison damage aginst those with protection. Hulk pet will no longer attack players. Corrected the requirements tab for Pikachu T6->T7 upgrade. Trivia questions will no longer appear with different shades. Corrected Aggression Totem (u) examine. Fixed a bug causing potion timers to disappear when entering a multi zone. Fixed Reborn Warrior drop table. Please reload your client.
    23. Connor

      Update #95

      Update #95 Skilling Tasks: A skilling update! You can now obtain skilling tasks from Mr Task at the Skilling Village. You can have as many tasks per day as you like. You will gain Skilling Village Tokens for completing the tasks and these will be based on the length of the task. Some of the tasks will require you to leave the island. Requirements: There are no requirements, however you may get tasks you cannot complete due to having a lower level. Rewards Shop: Offhand Skilling Fishing Rod - (Provides random materials, bonds & xp lamps whilst skilling), Skillers Outfit (+10% XP per piece), Master Task pet (+25% XP), 300k-350k Tax Bags. Announcement text has been updated to include shading, which enhances to appearance. Object rendering in the client has been increased for further distance viewing. Fixed lumber jack hat model. Turmoil bonus increase from the Seasonal Donation Machine now provides 5% extra. Gauntlet splitter perk no longer affects all 2H weapons. Please reload your client.
    24. Connor

      Update #94

      Update #94 Game Timers: We have added some new interface timers for the following; Prayer Scrolls, Aggression Totems, Automatic Cannon Reload Perk, Double Drop Scrolls, Stat Boosters. These will all appear along the left side of your screen. Referral System: We have updated the entire referral system. It was very basic and rarely used correctly. We have added an interface which will now pop-up for all new players, existing players can also use ::refer. This has also been further developed to offer us a greater insight into where is best to advertise. Rewards have also been updated to be more appealing for users. Pokemon upgrading requirements will now display all together, rather than 1 by 1. Fixed a bug allowing Dwarf Cannon Reload perk to last longer than the set time. Fixed a bug allowing Box of Chocolates effect to last longer than the set time. Avernic defender value has been fixed. L'il Lamb's turmoil boost has been increased. New players will no longer be redirected to the Guides on forums. Brawling gloves will no longer cause your character to null. Fixed a bug causing players with completionist capes in overrides to crash. Rogue Penguin should no longer fail to respawn. Solak NPC task now updates for all players involved. Please reload your client.
    25. Connor

      Update #93

      Update #93 Completionist Cape (t): You can now obtain the Completionist Cape (t) from the Completionist Cape Stand at home, bear ::Egg. You will need to have completed the following requirements to obtain it; Cape Perks: 100% Drop Rate Bonus Completionist Guild Teleport Ava's Accumulator Benefit Upgrading Completionist Cape (t): You can upgrade the cape at the research table with the Owner Cape (OP). This increases the stats to 110K, 200% Drop Rate Bonus & all other benefits, but also makes it untradeable. Added a new interface for viewing Completionist cape requirements. Max & Comp cape colours now appear correctly on cosmetic overrides. Max cape inventory icon has been fixed. Completionist cape particles are now white. Max cape no longer has particles. Fixed a bug causing Mythical Bunny pet to be aggressive to players. Avernic Defender is no longer in the Seasonal Donation Machine. May'o Book is no longer in the Seasonal Donation Machine. Dragonfire Ward is no longer in the Seasonal Donation Machine. Ring of Love is no longer in the Seasonal Donation Machine. Zaros Sword is no longer in the Seasonal Donation Machine. Fixed a bug causing the first Daily Challenge to auto complete for a new player. Infernal Wings now has a recycle & tax bag value. Please reload your client.