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    Item Upgrading Guide

    Recommended Posts

    Connor    78

    Item Upgrading is a massive part of the game & without using it, you could be at a disadvantage, so allow me to explain to basics to you.


    Step 1:

    Head to ::chest and to your north you will find an npc called Item Upgrader. Speak to him.


    Step 2:

    An interface will prompt:


    Step 3:

    Upgrading the item will require the item on the left side that you clicked on and also x amount of tax bags. In this image, it will require 1x Hellfire necklace & 5,000 Tax bags.

    Step 4:

    Before proceeding, you must understand that not everything will upgrade successfully. For example, this necklace has a 20% chance to succeed, that means 80% chance to fail and you lose the Hellfire necklace & 5,000 tax bags.

    Step 5:

    If you have the requirements & happy to proceed with risk, then click upgrade, goodluck!

    Step 6:

    You can also research new items, this is effectively the high level upgrading. Click the research table next to the guy you just spoke to.


    Step 7:

    An interface will prompt.


    Step 8: 

    The item on the right is what you will be rewarded with, if you have all the required items. Researching items will Can fail, but you will be warned of the fail percentage in chat for that item.

    Step 9:

    Should you have the required items, it's a no brainier, research it!

    Step 10:

    When you get to ::chest there will be a perk lectern to your south, click it to open the interface



    Step 11:

    The interface will show you a list of perks you can research on the left, then the items needed and the perks description on the right, if you have the items needed research it by clicking "Research item" at the bottom!


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