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    Update #114

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    Connor    78

    Update #114
    Psycho Mystery Box Event:

    He's back! The crazy Psycho Box has invaded the home area and it's up to you to get rid of him!

    The 4K Psycho Kills guaranteed drop will return for those who have not completed it, this will NOT include the new uniques to keep it fair to older players.

    The rarity of drops have been made slightly more common this time.


    Aura of the Gods (Damages your target for 50% of your prayer points - Unlimited scrolls/badges prevent the drain),
    Psycho Box Pet Tokens (unlocks BIS pet),
    Reinforced Armour Set,
    Psycho (Title),





    • Mistoletoe aura now grants +25% damage per person near you, up to 4 people at 100%.
    • Vader instance now contains 2 x Vaders.
    • An issue causing instances to stack NPC's has been fixed.
    • 50% drop rate increasing boots have had their name & rate altered.
    • Ringmaster boots name has been corrected.
    • Alt accounts can no longer use Instance Totems.
    • You can no longer obtain Instance Totems, whilst in the Instance.
    • Mini-Me pet donations now count towards your total spent.
    • Item Recolour donations now count towards your total spent.
    • Reborn King instance now contains the minions.
    • Crex Instance now has 3 Crex's inside.
    • You can no longer setup Dwarf Cannons in the home event area.
    • Mutant Reputation now drops more per hour.
    • Psycho Boss no longer deactivates players prayers.
    • Snowman Event has ended.

    Please reload your client.

    • Thanks 1

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